About the Project
This 3-year project (launched in Sept 2022) is being managed by EU Delegation in BiH and implemented by DAI led consortium.
Overall objective:
The overall objective of the project is to ensure access to reliable, affordable, sustainable and modern energy for all citizens in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Purpose and results
The purpose of this project is to contribute to the fulfillment of the obligation of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the Energy Community Treaty, Paris Agreement and other international obligations. It will further contribute to the establishment of a sustainable and competitive energy sector in line with demanding environmental and climate requirements, which will improve overall country economy and inevitably increase confidence in the energy sector for all market participants. The project activities cover the following areas of energy sector: electricity, gas, oil, coal, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, including the security of supply, but also the areas of environment protecion, infrastructure, statistics and competiveness.
Direct beneficiaries of this project are: BiH Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations (at the State level); Federal Ministry of Energy, Mining, and Industry (Federation of BiH); Ministry of Energy and Mining (Republic of Srpska); Government of Brcko District of BiH.
Indirect project’s beneficiaries are Federal Ministry of Physical Planning (FBiH), Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism (FBiH), Ministry of Spatial Planning (RS), Civil Engineering and Ecology (RS), other relevant stakeholders of BiH energy sector and overall general public as well.
Scope of work
The project works in four main areas:
- Energy sector reform and alignment with EU energy acquis This area is focused on the project support in legislative, regulatory and policy developments in the domain of energy transition, support in the creation of a systematic approach to the reform planning and execution and capacitation of key stakeholders to maintain the reform pace and deliver the reform in foreseen timeframes.
- EU energy legislation implementation and monitoring This area builds upon the activities of the area above and complements the process of support to the policy and legislative developments with the relevant support in implementation planning, defining and enforcement of implementing arrangements, as well as design and enforcement of system for management and monitoring of the approximation process in all of its’ dimensions.
- Institutional capacity building for energy sector transition This area is focused on strengthening the institutional setup and building of capacities of relevant stakeholders at all government levels to cope with competitive energy market requirements and generally to plan and execute the energy transition process effectively.
- Cross-cutting tasks – knowledge transfer and awareness rising This area comrices a strong knowledge transfer – knowledge capitalisation and dissemination activities. The project will also perform a dedicated public awareness, communication, and visibility activities that promote the project, the EU4Energy programme, and energy transition.
The activities listed above will be implemented by a core team of key-experts, supported in their work by senior and junior non-key experts. The core key-experts’ team consist of:
- Team Leader, Senior Energy Expert: Nikos Tsakalidis
- Deputy Team Leader, Senior Energy Expert: Fethi Silajdžić
- Senior Energy Lawyer: Branislava Lepotić Kovačević
- Senior Public Outreach Expert: Zoran Bogunović